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The Misadventures of Spiky

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You’re a hedgehog traversing a serene autumn forest in search of a new home. Overcome obstacles, avoid danger & cause unintentionally havoc.

Made by

4bidden Fruit



Adam Al-Maawali - 2D Animator, Concept Artist

Angehlica Halling - Level Designer, UI Designer

Christoffer Harborg - Concept Artist, Music

Erik Forsström - VFX Artist

Jennifer Aston - Lead Artist, Environment Artist

Lewis Thomas - Lead Designer, Level Designer, Scripter

Sara Söderman - Rigger, Animator

Tobias Nylin - Product Owner, Scripter, Sound Designer

Zackarias Nilsson - Technical / Shader Artist

The Misadventures of Spiky is a 2.5D puzzle-adventure game with focus on environmental storytelling. You play as the innocent hedgehog Spiky, peacefully tucked away in your pile of leaves. All of a sudden, you get thrown out of your home by a reckless camper with a rake! Devastated, you decide to set out on a dangerous journey through the forest, to find a new home.

On the way, you will run into all kinds of obstacles and challenges that you need to overcome. You will need to hide from danger, cross a heavily trafficked road, and much more, in order to reach your goal! Through your journey, you might also “accidentally” trigger one disaster after another creating panic and mayhem for the humans and the other animals. In the background a story will be told, so keep your eyes open on both the path and the background, what can you see that Spiky cannot?Leave your worries behind and venture out to find a new home!

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