Fall Moon
Genre -
Platform -

Fall Moon is a mobile puzzle game for all ages where you manipulate the game board and make a path for the Moon to reach its destination.
Made by
Team Green Tea
Development team:
Fabian Falk - Lead Programmer
Lars Eirik Holte - Project Manager / Sound Designer
Kristoffer Lövgren - Lead Level Designer
Johan Mets - 2D Artist / UI Lead
Johannes Palmblad - 2D Artist / Concept Artist
Music used with permission from the composers:
Brandon Fiechter
Derek Fiechter
In Fall Moon, the player controls a dragon on a game board made out of tiles-spaces. The dragon is controlled by swiping their finger on the screen in the direction the player wants the dragon to move. On each of the spaces there are certain tiles with different properties. Some tiles are static, some can be freely pushed around by the dragon, and some are affected by gravity. The goal is for the player to arrange the miscellaneous tiles on the board in order to transport the most essential tile; the Moon-tile, onto the single hole-tile on the board. The fewer moves the dragon needs to make, the better star-rating the player will get.