Bolt and Bobby
Genre -
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A puzzle game, for up to two players, with focus on teamwork. Play as either Bolt the thunderball, Bobby the cool snowball or why not both!
Made by
Team Bee
Fredrik Nilsson - Project Manager/Designer
André Tingvall - Artist
Harry Nordenfors - Artist
Daniel Ahlberg - Designer
Christian Bång - Programmer/Designer
David Bång - Programmer/Designer
Bolt & Bobby is a 3D puzzle game for up to two players with a focus on teamwork. You can play as Bolt the thunderball who charges and discharges electricity, and as Bobby the snowball who roll around in the snow to get big. The characters need to help each other out to be able to beat the two levels of the game, Bolt need Bobby and Bobby needs Bolt. Play alone as both of the characters, or play with a friend where you are Bolt and your friend is Bobby!