Hi everyone!
As the Swedish Game Awards 2016 are finished, we thank the old project group for their hard work and welcome our new one. Us five are bringing you the Swedish Game Awards 2017 with everything that entails. We're working hard to make the upcoming year's edition as memorable as the last one.

From left to right: Evelina Foxberg, Regina Rova, Sebastian Larsson, Jimmy Broman, Louise Buller
But who are we really? Let’s find out..
Jimmy Broman - Project manager Currently studying the second year of Computer Game Development: Design at the University of Skövde. Always working on something. It’s usually plans to conquer the world. A very “down to earth” kind of guy. Relaxed but efficient! Talks a bit too much and is fluent in over twelve forms of nonsense.
Evelina Foxberg - Assistant project manager, art dir. Third year student at the Game design & Graphics program at Uppsala University. Creative person who loves art, music, and manatees, and who also has a degree in biology. She enjoys most things horror and Buffy the Vampire Slayer. Has a bunny.
Regina Rova - Event manager Second year game design student - because one bachelor's in graphics only left her craving for more! Most of the time you'll find her indulged in some sort of game; be it a video game, tabletop or a roleplaying session. She enjoys pokémon the most when it can be played from behind her blackout curtains.
Louise Buller - Head of economics Studying the second year of computer game development: design. Thinks that band t-shirts is the shit. Always wants to eat snacks but have a problem because it’s hard to play strategy games at the same time.
Sebastian Larsson - Public relations Studying third year of a game design and graphics program on an island in the middle of the baltic sea. Is addicted to learning things and to Steven Universe, which he cannot stop recommending to people.