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Bridge Mania


Genre      -

Platform -

Platform Game

Bridge Mania is a momentum based platformer focused on precise movement and forgiving with instant respawns.


Made by



Game - Christoffer Lundberg

Music - Creative Common, see description


You find yourself without soda and with only one store open on the other side of the bridge. Bridge Mania is a momentum based platformer focused on precise movement and forgiving with instant respawns.


Move - WASD, Arrow keys, Joystick, D-pad

Jump - Space, Z, A, Y

Grapple - X, ctrl, Right Click, B, R1

Quite - Escape

The grapple hook targets the closest cloud on the right side of the player. When grappling the player gains a small upwards momentum, but it's easiest to use it in the air. Release the button to release the grapple.

Collect 24 apples to gain a star.

Debugging tools

Use F6 to skip a level, and F4 to play the previous one. (F5 to respawn in the same level)

If a segment is too challenging press ยง to spawn a star.

Music Credits

World 1 - The Dice Are Thrown by My Free Mickey

Rebuild - Kodamooya by Gnagno

2-1 - Island by Matthew Klingensmith

World 3 - Effects of Elevation by Revolution Void

3-5 - Bysantin by t4ngr4m

Credits - cdk - Sunday by Analog By Nature

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